Saturday, January 29, 2011

Logic Challenge (2)

Here is a more challenging (complex) level of puzzles:

Give them to your visitors to try during the Lunar New Year. But make sure you try first!

Logic Challenge

Try this logic challenge during the lunar new year. Get your visitors to compete in the challenge - but make sure that you try it first!

Singapore's national debt is high

Dear Mr. Tan
Please refer to Looking at the above site, USA, Canada, Western Europe, Japan and SINGAPORE seems to be having serious national debt problem. Is Singapore is worst than USA since debt per person for Sgp is $41.7k while USA is $25.8k. Do educate, thanks.

I am not familiar with this topic. I will post your question and ask other people to comment.

Family Life 1.1 is now in beta mode

The game can now be played at:

It can be quite fun. Try it. Here is the description of the game:

A video will be prepared soon.