Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Financial Savvy Test #24

Take a test of your financial knowledge by answering the questions below. You can find the answer from - type in the keyword to search for the relevant FAQ

1. How can I buy life insurance prudently? Keyword be prudent
2. How to say “no” to an insurance agent? Keyword Say “no”

Review of “Wisdom on How to Live Life (Book 3)

5.0 out of 5 stars Deep and true understanding of life, February 23, 2011 By Smudger "Spirituality"

I know of no other author who writes about the subjects contained in this book in the same way. Other books on spirituality tend to recycle the same old stuff, which although important, is neither new or fresh. 

He takes on such subjects as 'why we should take responsibility for our own actions' which seems to be the opposite of what happens today when hardly anybody assumes responsiblity for what they do. 

I particularly liked his thought that morality is important compared with having lots of money. He maintains, and I agree with him, that morality attached to your good name can live on, whereas having wealth obviously can not. He goes on to say that good deeds should be done for their own reward rather than the acclaim that sometimes follows. All in all 25 points are discussed, but for me, the most important was the topic 'why it is better to solve problems with spiritual rather than physical solutions'. 

If you want to be challenged in how you currently look at life and are prepared to look at things with new eyes, then do not hesitate to buy this book. You will never look at life in the same way again. You have been warned! 

Tommy Wong’s book can be ordered here.

Hyflux preference shares

An analysis by a FISCA expert on this preference shares is available to members after login to the FISCA website,

Hyflux preference shares

An analysis by a FISCA expert on this preference shares is available to members after login to the FISCA website,

NS and jobs

Return by asset class 1900 - 2010

Here are the return by asset class for various countries - real return, nominal return and inflation rate, for the period 1900t o 2010.  Globally, the real return on equity is 5.5% and on bond is 1.6%. See Ask Mr. Tan 

Hyflux Preference Shares

Hi Mr Tan
Can you give your views about subscribing to recent Hyflux preference shares. What is the risk? I understand that the dividend of 6%pa is not guaranteed. How different is this from DBS preference shares launched not too long ago.

I have asked an expert to evaluation this preference shares. His views will be posted in the member's section of FISCA website in a few days time. Please subscribe to be a member of FISCA now. Go to

The 3As of Awesome

The bonus myths - how paying for results backfire

Our corporate and government leaders are also paying big bonuses to themselves, based on performance.