Thursday, July 31, 2008

Buy ID7 from Business Center

Dear Mr Tan,
I am a recent graduate and have been in the job market for about a year now. I would like to thank you for your advise with regards to insurance and fianncial planning which have been very insightful. I have had many friends over the past year who have tried to sell me ILPs from the various insurance agencies. Your blog has truly been a good guide in making the right decisions.

I am interested in the flexilink plan and ID7 plan from NTUC. Could you please refer me to NTUC Income agents who are still willing to offer these plans? I had written directly to the NTUC business centre with regards to my interest in ID7, but I had not received any reply from them.

Your advise is much appreciated.

I suggest that you visit the business center and talk to a salaried consultant. You should insist on ID7. Do not allow them to sell you another product.