Thursday, October 9, 2008

Unhappy with bank's complaint handling process (2)

Dear Mr Tan,

I also attended a fact-finding session at the bank, and there were 2 bank officers present.

I was quite surprised by the way it was conducted. It felt as if the same questions were repeated over again but in different words, many times.

And each time I raised a query, the officer reacted by pointing to my signature on the back of the form, in support of the bank's position and the RM.

I also asked for a copy of the thick risk profile form with my signature on it but they refused to give me a copy for me to take home and run through. It looked totally unfamiliar to me and I wanted to see what the RM could have written about me then as I was with the RM for less than 30mins one year ago.

All the forms they had in their file were filled in by the RM, comments, ticks...etc (not my hand writing) On the main application form, there was however a slight difference on their copy compared to the one I had.

I understand from the bank officers that the independent person appointed by MAS to oversee the investigation has the authority to select case files to take a look but it does not mean that all cases will be looked into by this independent person.

MAS should assign independent assistants (not employed by the bank) to help review all cases to ensure each case is given due attention and justice, afterall our Government should try its best to help us citizens as much as possible.

You have the right to ask for a copy of the document that you were supposed to have signed. You can challenge statements that are written by the representative, if they do not reflect the true situation, e.g. the representative write on your behalf without checking with you. Or if the representative ask you to sign first, and fill in the details later.