Saturday, November 22, 2008

Moral values and ethics

I posted a blog on my moral values and ethics, as follow:

Many people agree that it is important to have good values, as they drive our conduct and relations with other people.

A retired teacher lamented to me that in recent years, our young students are taught technical and work skills, but are lacking in moral values and ethics. Nowadays, it seems to be all right to "cheat" people to increase profits. Just say, "caveat emptor".

I hope that some of the moral values will wake our government leaders to do the right thing - the values of honesty, courage, fairness, looking after the interest of others - to name just a few.

A few readers were uncomfortable about my statement of values. They felt that I should not be "preaching" these values. I think that it is the duty of all members of society to articulate the values that should guide the future of our society. I hope that more people can come forward to express their views on this matter.