Thursday, November 13, 2008

SCMP:Divine intervention in Legco debate

13 Nov 2008

The light of heaven was shining in the legislature yesterday when those who opposed a move to empower a Legco subcommittee to probe whether officials and bankers were wrongdoers in the Lehman Brothers minibonds affair turned green on camera in a live broadcast of the meeting.

Immediately after Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee – the only directly elected lawmaker opposing the motion – started her speech, a strong ray of sunshine broke through the top window of the usually gloomy Legco chamber, directly falling on Mrs Ip’s position and engulfing her in an eerie greenish aura. The same happened to David Li Kwok-po, who strongly defended his banking sector’s interest by speaking to oppose the vote.

“Gosh, the light of heaven has revealed their true nature,” one observer said while watching the live broadcast in the Legco corridors of power.