Friday, November 21, 2008

Selling toxic CDO products

Hi Mr Tan,

I should think that the FIs cannot be forgiven for miselling the toxic CDO products. Take for instance the pinnacles notes. Various series have been launched during the past two years. Upon the launching of series 1 , the FIs should have been aware of where the money have gone into and the details of the 100 over companies where the money are invested. Is it justifable that if 8 out of the 150 companies went bust then the investor will lose all the money? Is this a high risk or a definite gone case investment? I believe the FIs know the answer.

If it is a high risks investment then it must have a high return. Is it justifable that the town councils invest into these products to get a modest 5% return? In these product the amount receive at the maturity will be equivalent to our initial investment if nothing goes wrong and thus the return is only about 25 percent. Any mature person will definitely know that it is crazy to invest in this high risk product and getting such a low return. The worst thing is that it is not liquid at all and the investor has very little or no control of his investment.

To think that so many series have been launched and sold to general public as a safe bond like investment instrument of negligible risks is really a shame to these FIs.

In recent years, whenever the RM in the bank want to sell me any product he/she will always say ever since the Asian crisis, MAS has put stricker measures on the financial products and if they mis-represent they will get into trouble.The product they sold have to be MAS APPROVED. Many people like me have been led to believe that the MAS has stepped in to protect the people and we are not suspicious of the RMs' advice.

I really hope that the FIs will admit their mistakes and make compensations to all investors . This will definitely benefit them in long run as the customers will have more faith in investing with the FIs. In order for the FIs not to lose their liquidity I suggest that the money compensated to be put back into the FDs at prevailing interest rates and allowing the investors to withdraw a certain % a year.


I suggest that you send your views to Mr Goh Chok Tong and to MAS.
DID : 62358577