Thursday, December 11, 2008

A broad based approach towards re-training

Some people argued that re-training should be matched against job opportunity. I am in favour of a more broad-based approach.

In a recession, companies are cutting down jobs. There are few job opportunities to match the re-training.

I suggest that the retrenched workers should be allowed to attend training courses that will upgrade their educational level, such as language, mathematics, customer service and IT skills. These skills will be useful in most jobs.

Many of the older workers have low education. It will be a good time to let them catch up on these shortcomings. They can receive a training attendance allowance. It will also create jobs for other people to be instructors.

In many advanced countries, the retrenched workers receive an unemployment benefit without having to attend training. If we do not wish to give this benefit so easily, we can require them to attend re-training, but a more flexible, broad based approach can be adopted. Let them be trained on the skills that are most useful, and not necessarily be tied to a specific job opporunity.

Poll: What type of training courses should a retrench worker attend, to receive a training allowance
Number of replies: 106
A training course tied to a specific job: 17%
Any useful training, including upgrading of education and general skills: 63%
They should receive an unemploymenet benefit that is not tied to training: 16%
No training allowance or unemployment benefit: 2%