Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cut in maturity benefit just before maturity

Mr Tan,

I have a policy with X where I paid premium for 12 years which will mature in July. On  31 March 2009, upon my request I was given at estimated maturity sum. On April 24, I received a letter stating a maturity sum which differed by almost 10% lower.

I have emailed and spoken to X but without making much headway. Can an insurance company provide you with an estimate barely 3 months before maturity and then slashed it down by such a large sum?

I have emailed MAS and am thinking of approaching FIDREC. I would appreciate advice from you.

X owes you a satisfactory explanation for the lower maturity sum. Between 31 March and now, the investment market had improved considerably. If there is any change, the maturity value should have been higher.

You can lodge a complaint with FIDREC. It will cost you only $50. If you wish to strengthen your case, you can consider asking CASE for help as well.