Sunday, July 12, 2009

Brain Workout in The New Paper

The Brain Workout in the New Paper is taken from my book, TKL Intelligence Quiz. The puzzles in this book is based on the famous quiz created by Albert Einsten. Einsten said that 98% of the people in the world could not solve the quiz. My book teaches the reader on how to be among the 2%.

There are 72 quizzes in my book: 24 at each of three levels. The first level is based on 4 houses and is easier to solve. The next level is based on 5 houses and is the same as Einstein's quiz. The third level is based on 6 houses and is more challenging than Einstein's quiz.

After practicising a few quizzes, the reader will be able to master the technique and be able to solve the quizzes quite quickly. This quiz is also suitable for a challenge among several competitors - to see who can solve the quiz first.