Thursday, July 23, 2009

CPF Life - does it need to be compulsory?

Hi Mr Tan,
Thanks for willing to spend time to write on CPF Life. We all understand the NEED to have CPF Life. But I would like to have an unbiased view on this plan which is made compulsory for everybody.

Our government is taking a significant portion of our hard-earned CPF money and place us on this plan. Is this a reasonable deal for us or simply we have no choice but to swallow this bitter pill?

Among the options available in this CPF Life, is it just choose based on "whether I want to leave some money for our younger generation" and thus opt for "receive minimum payout when I am alive"?

Is it really true that since CPF Board will be administering this annuity plan, it is better and reliable than those offered by insurers which definitely have more experience in this area?