Thursday, September 17, 2009

FISCA service - to write a complaint

FISCA will provide a service to help consumers to write a complaint on consumer financial matters, to be lodged with the relevant bodies, such as the financial institution, FIDREC, Police or Commercial Affairs Department.

As the FISCA volunteers will be familiar with this matter after handling many similar cases, they will be able to help the consumer to gather the relevant documents and evidence to make a good case.

The consumer has to pay an administrative fee of $50. The FISCA volunteer will spend some time to listen to the consumers, identify the documents needed to support the case and draft the complaint.

The work of the FISCA volunteer does not constitute legal or financial advice. They are using common sense knowledge to help the consumer. Consumers should be aware that legal and financial advice are costly and cannot expect the same kind of professional advice from FISCA for an administrative fee of $50.

The FISCA volunteer will usually be well educated and knowledgeable people, although they are not practicing law or financial advice. They can give good guidance to the consumer from a consumer's perspective.

If the consumer needs legal or financial advice, the FISCA volunteer will guide the consumer to the appropriate expert.

To use FISCA's service, go to

Tan Kin Lian