Friday, September 4, 2009

A new society (3) - Raising a Family

The raising of a family can be made an individual or a social decision. I prefer it to be a social decision.

In a society, each family can have the right to raise two children with the cost being largely borne by the society. The cost will cover pregnancy, childbirth, medical care of the mother and child, education of the child and an allowance to be given to each child.

This will encourage every family to have at least two children. Families that wish to have more children will have to bear a larger proportion of the cost, maybe 50% to 70%.

Some religion encourage their followers to have children, according to the will of God or Allah: "Go forth and multiply". Similarly, a secular society can meet a large part of the cost of raising children.

If a large part of the cost is borne by society, the citizens will have to pay a higher tax. But they will get it back through the benefits provided to their children. Those who prefer to remain single will have to pay a tax for reduce the burden of the parents. This will encourage more people to have a family and raise children.

Maybe, each person can work 1 or 2 hours a day (on top of 4 hours of work for the basic necessities) to pay for the cost of raising the children needed by society.

Tan Kin Lian