Saturday, October 17, 2009

Difference of views

Mr. Tan,
You seem to block opinion that differs from yours. Don't you allow other people to post their differing views

I have to block comments that are potentially defamatory. I suspect that some people may get their own people to put ananymous comments to attack themselves, and then get a lawyer to give me trouble. This is dishonest, but is possible.

There are comments that attack my views. If you wish your comments to be accepted, you have to show respect for my views and be courteous. Do not be abusive or arrogant.

Some people post views for the sake of debating. This causes confusion and is not helpful. My blog is intended to educate people, and is not intended to be a place for academic debate.

Some people want to argue the perceived advantages of their products. Please go to your own company's website to do your marketing.

Finally, those who dislike my views are not required to visit this blog. Goodbye.