Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A reader's view - importance of financial planning

Financial planning should form a very important part of anyone's journey through life. Unfortunately, it is not taught in most school's curriculum and perhaps due to other immediate priorities, many people could ignore financial problems are on the horizon until those problems are right in their face. I only got interested in financial planning after going through some difficult times in my early years as a youth when my father's business failed.

I am now a 39year old accountant and have benefited from careful financial planning from early years. My investment portfolio has grown steadily through the years and I am now looking into the future with more confidence despite all the financial turmoil (although it could have been better, but it is ok. Must not be greedy lah!).

Have just bought 3 copies of your Practical Guide To Financial Planning to be given to my younger brothers. As it is at a good price, I do not want to save money by buying one copy and pass it around. I prefer they read the guide and have a copy with them for easy reference when they want to refresh their learnin. Spend $12, the returns will be many thousand times later. How's that for ROI? I hope they will do better than me from getting financial advice at an earlier age (they are late 20s to mid-30s). Be educated, be empowered.