Friday, July 2, 2010


Printed in Straits Times Forum page on 3 July (with some editing)

I wrote my first cheque 40 years ago. The rules were to write the amount in figures and words, to write the date and spell the name of the payee correctly. Any alteration to the cheque has to be signed. This was at a time when computers were not widely used.

This archaic rules remain the practice today. It has always been tedious to write a cheque and to avoid making any spelling or other mistake mistake. If the payor makes any small mistake, regardless of how minor or inconsequential, the bank will return the cheque for correction. The bank staff is not prepared to exercise any discretion and common sense.

Recently, I was asked my my lawyer to write a cheque in favor of "The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank account No 1234567 in the name of XYZ development company". There was insufficient space on the cheque to write the payee’s name.

Many countries have done away with cheques. My friend told me that cheques are hardly used in China.

In many countries, the payor can make a payment by a direct transfer through the internet or a bank counter. The payor only needs to write down the account number of the payee and the amount in figures (i.e. no need to be in words).

Singapore continues the archaic practice of making most payments by using cheques, instead of a simpler mode of payment. While payment can now be made through internet banking, it requires a troublesome process of registering and authenticating the recipient’s bank account and is not suitable for once-off payments.

I hope that the Monetary Authority of Singapore to take the lead in this change to introduce a simple system of direct banking transfer. It will save the tedious process of processing cheques through the banking system. The private sector cannot take the lead in making this change, as they do not have the regulatory powers.

Tan Kin Lian