Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Motor accident

Mr Tan,
My car was hit by a lorry while I was fetching my son from his childcare centre. During the accident, my car was parked outside the childcare centre (hazard light is on). I was about to buckle the seat belt for my son on the passenger side when the lorry hit my car on the right rear. 

However, I was informed by the workshop later that the driver has given a different account of the accident. He claimed that I cut into his lane and caused his vehicle to hit my car. Now I am facing problem on claiming from his insurance company due to this discrepancy.

Are you able to find someone who can be a witness to this accident? This will be useful, if you have to dispute the other report of the accident. Anyway, if the lorry hit you in the rear, the lorry is liable for the accident, even if the lorry driver claimed that you stopped your car suddenly.