Monday, September 13, 2010

Free Public Speaking Tips | Public Speaking Tips Online | Presentation Skills Course

Here are a few free public speaking tips you can use right now in everyday situations:

1.  Use humor to diffuse a situation

Speech coaches will tell you to use humor in a speech to get the audience’s attention, but you can also use humor in a tense situation (as long as it is tasteful) to lighten the mood.  Most people are more open to your ideas when you come across as easy-going.

2.   Visualize your audience in their underwear

This is another one of the older public speaking tips, but it does work.  It doesn’t mean that you should picture your coworkers in their underwear – just realize that everyone in human; and you shouldn’t be intimidated by someone’s outward demeanor.  This is one of the free speaking tips that you can use to build confidence in yourself.

Good free public speaking tips