Thursday, November 11, 2010

DBS Preference Shares

Hi Mr Tan,
I have seen a lot of ads recently on the issuance of DBS Preference Shares with a dividend rate of 4.7% (emphasised in huge fonts). I wanted to find out more and read up its prospectus on 

However the prospectus is a 117 page long document, and it is not easy to understand. Buried inside this huge document is a section on risks, but the language is extremely difficult to understand. If DBS is targeting retail customers, the risks associated with this investment should be clearly articulated. It seems that DBS has yet to learn its lesson from the Lehman saga.

I have ased a financial expert to make an analysis of this preference shares. The analysis will be available to posted in the members' section of the FISCA website and will be available only to members after login. Go to