Monday, December 13, 2010

Dispute on interest rate with NTUC Thrift

Dear Mr. Tan,
I was Ntuc thrift member for some years till recently, Thrift sent letter to me to cease all my accounts as they recently did a clean up and flagged that I was no longer a member. As my 2-yr FD matures in 2012, they agreed to pay on the interest rate for the invested period at the interest rate for tenor 9 month. Is this fair? Should they pay at the original interest rate despite reduce tenor? 

They should allow you to continue the 2 year tenure and pay you the agreed rate. If they wish to terminate earlier, they have to discuss with you on what is a fair rate - which should be the same interest rate but pro-rated for a shorter period.
Tan Kin Lian

Who can I get help for Thrift to honour the original FD? MAS? I have already asked Thrift on the following occassions:
1) I spoke with head of operations
2) Appealed to CEO during follow up call
3) Copied my appeal to MCYS 
I sought help from MCYS but as there is no contractual issue so there's nothing they can do. 

If the people in charge don't care, there is nothing much that I can do.Sorry.
Tan Kin Lian

Can I go to MAS?

You can go to MAS or the Prime Minister, but they probably don't care also.
Tan Kin Lian