Monday, January 17, 2011

Drinking And Driving Facts | Drink Driving Penalties

This is why so much time, money and attention is being directed towards prevention of drunk driving, especially for teens. Because driving demands that the driver be alert and able to adapt to continuously changing situations, it is easy to see the dangers presented by those under the influence of alcohol.

There is a slowing of reflexes, loss of coordination, and vision distortions that take place when one drinks. If a drug might be involved, the combined effects, of course, can become even more deadly.

It is also a good time to note these drinking and driving facts do not presume those that were killed or injured suffered from alcoholism. In fact, many teens are killed at specific times from alcohol-related accidents, showing sharp increases on the weekends and from 3 PM to 12 AM.

The overall lack of driving experience, combined with the effects of drinking, seem to be the more prevalent causal relationship. If you’re concerned about the possibility of being involved in habitual, or binge drinking, please seek out some professional help and the possibility of rehab.

  • Drink driving penalties