Saturday, January 1, 2011

Virginia DUI Laws | Drink Driving Penalties

The bottom line is that dwi and dui refer to the offense of drinking and driving in excess of the BAC limit in the state in question.

Virginia DUI Penalties

You may need to refer to the home page of this site to understand the different definitions that I refer to hereafter.(See page drink driving penalties)

The Per Se BAC level in Virginia is .08;

The zero tolerance BAC level is .02;

The enhanced penalty BAC level is .2 and there is an “implied consent” law in Virginia.

For an administrative licence suspension or revocation you are looking at 1 year for a 1st offence and 3 years for a 2nd and 3rd offence.

Vehicle confiscation is possible in the Commonwealth of Virginia and there is both mandatory alcohol education and treatment.

The use of the ignition interlock device on your vehicle is also a possibility.

These penalties outlined above do not take into account the discretionary penalties that a Judge can impose upon you depending on the circumstances.

Community service, fines and jail time are all possibilities if you are a repeat offender or if you have caused damage to other people or property.

Virginia Implied Consent Law