Thursday, July 7, 2011

Divorce in Virginia

Grounds for divorce in Virginia

In Virginia, to obtain a divorce you must prove “grounds” (valid reasons under Virginia laws) even if the divorce is uncontested by both parties. There are three potential grounds and it is a requirement that one of these grounds be met to grant the divorce.

If none of these grounds are proven then a divorce may not be granted even if both parties agree that the marriage should end. The three grounds are: willful desertion or abandonment, adultery, sodomy or buggery and lastly, conviction of a felony. To ensure that one of these grounds can be proven in a court of law it wise to consult an attorney. An attorney should be able to establish a solid record that grounds for a divorce exist.


Divorce lawyers in Virginia

If you are considering a divorce it is wise to consult a lawyer as there are many things to consider. There may be issues of property rights, spousal support, custody of minor-age children, and possibly child support.