Friday, July 8, 2011

Divorce Lawyers in Virginia | Divorce in Virginia

Make sure to meet with the attorney in his or her office to gage their style and divorce philosophy. Are they combative or cooperative? Are they open to out of court alternatives such as mediation? Make sure you are comfortable enough with this person to divulge personal details and also assess if they have experience dealing with the state where the marriage took place originally.

(See also divorce in Virginia and child custody laws in Virginia)

One last thing to consider is fees. Make sure you discuss cost and how the overall cost will be determined. It is important to have an understanding of how much the divorce will cost you so that you can plan appropriately.


In Virginia especially there are special rules for a military divorce versus a civilian divorce. This fact is because there is a large contingent of active duty navy in the Virginia Beach area of the state.


If you live in or around Norfolk or Hampton Virginia there is a good likelihood that one of the parties, if not both, are in the active armed forces. You should consult an attorney that has experience dealing with military divorces. He/She should be aware that a divorce involving active duty personnel can be postponed for the entire time the spouse is on active duty and for 60 days thereafter.