Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Virginia Child Support | Divorce in Virginia

Child support is money paid by one party of the divorce to the other in order to financially support children of either party in the divorce. It is recommended that you retain a lawyer from one of numerous state wide firms that specialize in child custody and child support.


In Virginia, support is considered and awarded based on the ability of each party to provide support, any special needs of the child in question, any independent financial resources of the child, the standard of living of the child during the marriage and of course the overall best interests of the child. See also child custody laws in Virginia and Virginia divorce laws.


Income share model

The exact amount owed per child is generally calculated using the Income Share Model, but can be adjusted based the court’s ruling. The exact law is outlined in state statue Title 20-108. Once child support is set the monthly payments are enforced by the court with the help of the Department of Social Services, specifically by the Division of Child Support Enforcement. If child support goes unpaid, the Department of Social Services will work with the authority from the court to collect on the unpaid support due to the children.
