Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Funny Life Quotes - Learn About Life in the Wittiest Humorous Manner

Funny Life Quotes - Learn About Life in the Wittiest Humorous Manner
Have you ever wondered how suddenly everything seems easy and understandable in the presentation of a more spiritual and humorous? Well, that's the power of wit and humor. It makes learning fun and easy.

The other day I was sitting on my couch reading the newspaper when I come on this funny quote about life. The quote was by Brendan Gill. Here's the quote:

"Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious."

I found this quote to be extremely funny and at the same time very deep. This quote made me wonder why sometimes we tend to be serious and dark. Life is not meant to be serious. It is intended to take full advantage of.

Here is a quote of life funny that I came across recently which is something like this:

"Do not take life seriously. No one get out alive."

I came across this quote while driving. This quote was written on sticker of the car in front of me. I immediately scribbled on my iPod touch (I have this habit of doodling I meet each citation). I liked this quote so much that I made a poster of this quote and rolled in my bedroom wall. Too often we ask our children, our friends and relatives to take life seriously. But why take life seriously? Take life seriously means missing out on so many beautiful things life has for us. In the long run, it wont give you anything but life has pointed out, melancholy and poor. You see, life is simply designed. Add a pinch of seriousness and it is complicated. Add a pinch of fun, humor, laughter, fun and life is just perfect and easy to go with.

And here is another funny quote again the wisdom of the rich life:

My life has been full of misery, most of which never happened.

How many of you can relate to this quote? Is not it funny we remain on the things of the future that we are not sure or cringe about things past that has long since disappeared. What will happen if so and so will happen? What will I do when so and so will happen? We spend so much of our precious time to think about Ifs of life rather than enjoying life WOW. The past is long gone and the future is yet to come. The only thing we have in our hands is the present moment. So enjoy your more.