Saturday, November 12, 2011

Staged accidents

A staged accident is created by a syndicate involving a criminal workshop. The workshop boss arranged for an accomplice to drive on the expressway and brake suddenly, causing the following vehicle to crash into its rear. Another accomplice will appear quickly with a tow truck to bring the accident vehicles for repair. This will be followed by a big repair bill for the vehicle in front (which belonged to the syndicate).

This type of staged accidents had been happening for many years, but nobody bothered to take any action. One day, the driver of the following vehicle was the son or a prominent politician. He related the matter to his father who brought up the matter to the authority. This caused the authority to take action. For the next few days, there were big stories in the media and the term "staged accidents" was coined. There was a furor, because this was considered to be reckless driving.

This happened in a certain country about 10 years ago. Guess the name of this country, where nobody takes action until it involves an important person's family member?