Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Legal fees - action against distributor

I have approached a well known lawyer. He told me that the legal fees to take a case to the High Court is likely to be $100,000 or more. If this is shared by 100 investors, the cost per investor is $1,000. If there are 200 investors, the cost is $500 per investor.

If investors wish to contemplate taking legal action, you have to be prepared to spend $500 to $1,000. As the amount invested in most cases is quite large, averaging about $50,000, it may be necessary to spend 1% or 2% to seek compensation.

I shall be putting up another "petition" to gauge the interest in taking collective action to engage the service of the lawyer. I will arrange for the investors to meet the lawyer before you take the final decision.

It may be necessary for the lawyer to take separate cases against separate distributors. This is complicated and may add to the cost. I will let the lawyer explain how to handle this matter at a future time.

What are your views? You can post your comments in this blog.