Thursday, October 2, 2008

People to be blamed

Comment posted in my blog

Blame MAS for not enforcing the rules it set stringently like section 27 of the FAA governing the behaviour and the way advisers should approach the needs of their clients.

Blame MAS for not vetting stringently the products before allowing for release into the market.

Blame the company for being greedy and overly profit oriented and overlooked the need of the consumers.

Blame the company for being lax in the compliance by their salespeople, the RMs and agents.

Blame the salespeople or RMs or agents for being greedy and NEGLECTING and ignoring WILLFULLY the needs of the consumers.

Blame the RMs and the agents for being unqualified and incompetent to dispense this advice.

The banks must bear the full responsibility for their errors and their salespeople's incompetence and mis-selling. The aggrieved investors must be compensated minimally the return of their capital.