Wednesday, September 2, 2009

An open mind

Many Singaporeans have a closed mind. If they see a suggestion for a change, they will evaluate it and find many reasons why the new way will not work. With this mindset, it is difficult to make any change.

There are some Singaporeans who have an open mind, but this tends to be a minority. To have an open mind, it is necessary to observe the following:

a) Identify and understand the problem. Accept that there is a problem and the need to make a change.
b) Recognise that there are many ways to make a change. Some will not work, but other ways may work.
c) Do not decide based on theory. It is better to try it out and see the results. Even if there are problems, they can be overcomed.

I hope that more people will adopt a positive approach and be ready to make a change, working for a better outcome.

Tan Kin Lian