Monday, February 15, 2010

Slow start for Integrated Resort in Sentosa

The newspapers reported that there was a long queue in the foreigner entrance and a short queue in the local entrance for the integrated resort. I thought that it meant a successful start for the resort.

A friend told me that the people in the foreigner queue were not tourists but the foreign workers in Singapore. They went to the resort to enjoy the free drinks, cheap meals, showers and new facilities.  Few Singaporeans went to the resort as they were deterred by the $100 entrance fee.

Something is wrong. The expensive facilities are now enjoyed by the foreign workers, and not for Singaporeans. This is an unintended consequence.

Of course, this is early days, and the discrepancies will be sorted out. But, it is a bad sign. Surely, we are capable of better planning in Singapore?

It is quite sad that I could be misled into the wrong impression. I hope that the newspapers would be more upfront in giving the correct impression.

Tan Kin Lian