Friday, July 9, 2010

How does believing we are souls help us in our daily lives?

Extract from book, Wisdom on how to live life - Dr. Tommy Wong

Tom: So by believing that we are souls, how will that help us in our daily lives?
Guru: We can see everyone as souls rather than bodies.
Tom: Okay, then?
Guru: We don’t differentiate ourselves with others by the differences in our bodies.
Tom: You mean we don’t differentiate ourselves by different races.
Guru: Right, there’s only one race and that’s the human race.
Tom: No more “us and them”.
Guru: We see everyone as souls, and we’re all the same.
Tom: We look for sameness rather than differences.
Guru: Yes, it’s like we’re all air and there is only one air covering the entire Earth.
Tom: We are all one.
Guru: We’re all connected so we look for cooperation rather than competition.
Tom: Your gain is my gain, and your loss is my loss.
Guru: We look for win-win solutions rather than “I win and you lose” scenarios.
Tom: So we’re all winners.
Guru: Wouldn’t life be better this way?
Tom: Better? It’ll be heaven on Earth.

The book, Wisdom on How to Live Life can be bought here.