Friday, November 25, 2011

Do I Need a Website to Be an Affiliate Marketer?

Do I Need a Website to Be an Affiliate Marketer?
The question of whether a site is needed to make money as an affiliate marketer is one that many newcomers to the industry arise. Incidentally, it's such an old hand in the business do not. This is because in today's market, experienced affiliates know that they need a website.

Not very long, it was reasonable to expect a PPC campaign carefully designed to turn a big profit, without having to use a staging site for an affiliate to refer customers to the vendor's site through - but the rules have changed, and if you are competing against someone else who is trying to promote the same product at the same top level domain, then you have to bid on it or your ad will not be seen at all. This means that for PPC marketing, if you do not have a website of your own PPC to generate traffic, your costs will increase considerably.

Having your own website, however, give you the control over the content you put there, and as we all know: "Content is king!" Without a website of your choice, your voice has all simply not enough volume to be heard online.

Your site is where you will be able to engage visitors on your own terms - and if you have designed it to be attractive to potential customers for a particular product you're promoting, then you have a perfect place to discuss relevant issues and making a convincing argument that the product you are selling is right for your audience to buy. Of course, you'd better be correct in saying that!

Without a website of your choice, you have no credibility as a distributor. And without credibility, why should we listen to your recommendations? The bottom line is this: you have to draw the attention of your market, to convince them that you know what you speak, and then recommend their next move. Until you have the respect and trust of your prospects simply put a link in front of them will not get enough attention to boost actual sales.

In addition, building a website of your own gives you the opportunity to express yourself creatively in a way no other option can! You can design any way you wish, or hire a professional to make it look and function the way you want. Since your goal is to attract visitors and convince them that buying the product you are promoting is the best move they can do to fill a need or solve a problem is simply a matter of make sure your site looks clean and attractive, contains valuable information into pieces palatable and is easily navigable. If you do not like the feel of your site, then it is likely that your visitors will not either - but adapted to your own tastes is the best reference to fit those of your prospects, you have provided really understand .. . And if you do not, then you really have no corporate marketing for the first.

You need a website to succeed in affiliate marketing. You need to build online credibility, and you simply can not do that unless you have your own place where visitors can get to know you as a professional.