Friday, November 25, 2011

Is Your Website Helping or Hurting Your Business?

Is Your Website Helping or Hurting Your Business?

Maybe you think your site is a bit dated and needs an update?

Did you know there could be much worse than that? It is a good chance that your site could actually hurt your business more than good.

Here are three things that your website needs to do. Even if you do not work on your site, your site may be losing you a lot of business.

1. Your site needs to enter the name and email address of your first visit. This could be due to a free offer they want, or a way to connect, a circle or follow you in one of the social media sites. Not giving them a way to connect with you, your shop door is locked during business hours. You also need the same offer as the bonds of social media site to yours. Do not rely on social media to your list, because they can close or fall from grace as MySpace.

2. Your site needs to provide immediate value that will convince a prospect that you and your product or service will help them. Nobody is going to jump right into a service if they do not know you or you trust and do not know your value to them.

3. You need interactive content like discussions that will draw a response from your prospects. This may not be on your website or blog, but can be on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. Get your prospect involved in your discussions, even if they disagree with you, leading to more links to your sites, and click-through. This will lead to higher conversion: It converts visitors to prospects.

If your site does all three, it works for you. If not, it works against you. If there is no interaction with your prospect, your prospect will disappear. It's that simple.

You need to configure your website to work with Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Ecademy, you get visitors and direct them to your site where they are converted to trails. If this work with an autoresponder, you have a lead generation system. You can configure it so that if you post something to your blog, it will automatically appear on social media networks. This will encourage visitors to your website where you can catch them with your offer. Your offer should be good enough for them to stop what they do, and give you their email address to get your offer. This way they can get to know you with your messages, and will convert to a customer when they begin to trust you.