Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Inefficient and bureaucratic bank process

Contributed by Anthony Hobrow

Banking in Singapore leaves me frustrated at every turn. I am not sure how much is the fault of the bank and how much is detailed regulation by MAS but the end result is a system where there appears to be no authority granted to the front line, excessive paperwork and very long process times. It is not the same in London.

With the same international bank I can get an overdraft facility in one short phone call. Here it has taken paperwork and two weeks! I even had to provide copy payslips when the bank has access to every receipt and payment in my account in UK and in Singapore and has access to 40 years of my banking history!! What possible purpose can a payslip serve?

I needed a new credit card as my card failed sometimes to work when I was travelling. In UK this would have been couriered next day to wherever I was. Singapore could not send me a new card. I had to be with a faulty card until the end of my trip and then collect a new one when I got back. BUT the worst thing was they cancelled my old card and took the account off the internet banking facility, before I had the new one! The card was not lost or stolen, just worn and intermittently didn’t swipe well.

Anthony Hobrow

Direct Asia