Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Life in Denmark

One of my SMU students went for a few months of attachment in Denmark. Here is her observations about life there.

Hi Prof Tan, Life in Denmark is very different from Singapore. People here are very relaxed and know how to enjoy their life. In fact, they are one of the happiest people in the world. As you might now, Denmark is a welfare state with the highest income tax rate in the world. However, the welfare system is very well-run and efficient. Thus, the living standard over here is very high and most of the Danes receive good education. Compared to Denmark, Singapore is more bustling because we work way too hard. Here, the shops and supermarkets close at 6pm on average. There are many differences but I am really enjoying my time here so far.
I wish you have been well too. Hope to hear more about your experiences and thoughts about the presidential elections when we meet.