Thursday, November 3, 2011

new york state department of labor

New York is one of 7 states that require workers to complete the OSHA 10 hour construction course for working on certain public construction projects. This article summarizes the situations covered by the law, valid methods to prove completion, and employer requirements. In addition, contact information for questions is included.
Whether you are trying to give career advice to upcoming graduates deciding on a career direction or advising a professional who is recently unemployed, Green jobs or sustainable energy careers are a promising path to take. New York State is participating in a National Governor's Association Policy Academy on State Sector Strategies to collaborate with state leaders in an attempt to advance sector strategies and workforce development. Green jobs and renewable resources were listed as one of the three priority sectors which will be addressed-the other two being healthcare and advanced manufacturing. Their goal is to create employment opportunities for low-wage and high-wage sectors in these areas.