Monday, August 15, 2011

Health subsidies

Mr Tan
I am glad that you are standing for the PE.  You will definitely get support as well as from my friends and relatives.   I hope you will consider posting the following in your BLOG.
Health Subsidies extended to 710,000 - MOH REPORT
Based on the above announcement, the figures looks impressive.  In reality how many will qualify earning household income of less than $1500.   With this household income, can a family survive with children and elderly.   This is one area the EP could ask the Minister of detailed breakdown of how the figures are derived and why the 'sandwiched class' are not taken care of.  

Sometimes staff in civil service wants to look good and impressed the Minister with figures which could be inaccurate.   Imagine a family with household income of eg $5,000 having a domestic helper and need to care for elderly.   Is it enough?  They do not even qualify for medifund etc.   Maybe MOH reluctant to work with CPF and MCYS as caring for elderly involves tri-pitate parties.  

The EP could ask the Minister how he plan to take care current elderly who incurred $500 or more expenses rather than impleent year or later.  Such costs should be deductible from Medisave for the elderly.  In this current climate, our EP need participative rather than a figure head.   Look in the past 5 years, if the EP have highlighted the housing, trasnsport, medical concern to the ruling government, we need not be 'fire fighting' right now.  All this is due to complacency in the system
Mr Tan, if you are elected I hope you will still be in touch with the people as you are the people's voice.