Monday, October 24, 2011

How NOT to Get Scammed by Make Money Online Business Offers.

So,you want to start your own business online,work from home.make some easy money.Well it can be done and there are sites out there that will help you,for a fee I assume.However 98 out there are just scams. So here is what to do before you buy into any offers.

The Internet can be used as an amazing money saving tool. Unfortunately, all good things have their bad side and the Internet can also be something that sucks your money away from you faster than you can say “www”. One of the worst ways that the Internet can cause you to lose money is by making you the victim of an online scam. There are tons of scams out there designed to take your money out of your pocket and put it into someone else’s bank account. So what can you do to make sure that you don’t get scammed online while trying to use the Internet to save money? Quite a few things actually.

Get Knowledgeable About Online Scams

The single most important thing that you can do to avoid getting scammed out of your money online is to arm yourself with knowledge about online scams. You should read up on this topic throughout the Internet to get a foundation of information about scams so that you know what’s out there. You should also regularly read news about the latest online scams. You can create an RSS feed in Google News with the phrase “online scam” to have headlines about that topic delivered directly to your computer. In this way, the Internet becomes a tool to protect you from online scams rather than to make you a victim of them. The more you know about online scams, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to avoid them.

Don’t Take Most Email Offers Seriously

If you get offers in your email inbox that say that they’re designed to save you money, you should probably delete them. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. If you sign up for newsletters and website announcements about deals from your favorite websites then it’s perfectly fine to read through them for information on saving money. However, if you’re getting random announcements in your inbox that have anything to do with saving money or making money, you should be wary. We all know about those Nigerian bank schemes but those aren’t the only ones out there so make sure that you don’t fall prey to those types of email scams.

Be Careful About Who You Add on Social Networking Sites

If you use social networking sites like Facebook or LinkedIn or Twitter then you should be careful about who you add on those sites. Many people will use these sites to convince you to get involved in online scams. They do this by building up your trust through conversations on the site that seem friendly and then they recommend that you try out a deal online. There’s nothing wrong with making online connections but do some background research into who someone is before you make them your “friend”.

If It Sounds Too Good to Be True …

If you’re only going to follow one single rule about avoiding online scams then you should probably make that rule the one that says “if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is”. There are good deals out there but there are not magical deals that will give you a whole lot of something for nothing. If anything that you’re looking at online sounds like it’s too good to be true (whether you initiated it by visiting a website or someone else contacted you with an email or link) then you should assume that the deal probably has some sort of scam involved and you should proceed only with caution.

Ask Yourself If Things Are Appealing to your Emotions

One of the key ways to tell that something is a scam (online or offline) is to pay attention to whether the deal is giving you actual facts or just appealing to your emotions. For example, you may see a blog post about a really great cause for children that shares the stories of children in need. Your heartstrings are tugged and your purse strings open up. That’s fine and dandy but if there aren’t some facts and details involved that aren’t solely based on emotion then there is a good chance that you just got scammed out of your money.

Read the Fine Print

When it comes to any kind of financial transaction that is going to take place online, the best thing that you can do to protect yourself from scams is to actually take the time to read the fine print of the deal. Whenever you go to a website to purchase a product, there is required to be a terms and agreements for you to sign. You need to read that carefully, look out for red flags and areas of concern and make sure that you fully understand the details of the transaction so that you don’t get scammed.

Trust your Gut

If you spend enough time online then you probably already have a good gut sense about which deals on the Internet are real and which are scams. Unfortunately, we often ignore our gut instincts because we’re so hungry to get good deals online. If you learn to trust your gut then you’ll find that you probably avoid a lot of the online scams that otherwise might have sucked you in and taken your money out of your pocket.

Before you buy into an offer just make sure you read,listen to everything they are offering. You will eventually come across a genuine offer.GOOD LUCK.