Monday, October 24, 2011

Make Money Online With Ebay

eBay... I hope you've heard of that by now. If you haven't, you can go check that out right now at

eBay is a huge auction site, but I think most people don't realize that there's SO much more than auctions going on there. What you can do, is actually set up niche stores there and you even have the option to sell stuff at a fixed price, although the most popular way to sell there is still through auctioning it out so people can bid and the highest bidder gets it.

So how do you start making money there?

Well, go down in your basement, look for old things to put in your new eBay store. The more the merrier, right?

That's one idea, you can also try the attic if you have one.

If you're serious, you can look for wholesale companies or dropshippers. Dropshippers are cool because they'll just deliver the stuff to your customers and you don't have to carry any stock.

Go to yard sales, fairs and markets and buy stuff cheaply, and sell them at a higher price on eBay. If you're a crafty guy or gal, make your own stuff and sell it. Like, if you knit, you could sell ponchos or whatever.

Just get some stuff and put it up there. Eventually you'll need to go out and buy new things to sell, because you'll run out of things eventually. Look for offers where you can get things in bulk.

Another tip is to NOT just sell random stuff. Try to target a certain niche market. If people just see you throw up everything you find they won't take you as seriously. So, try to target a certain market, like mentioned above, knitting.

Knitting supplies, needles, scarves, hats, yarns you name it. If it's got to do with knitting, you're there. You want to become trustworthy, so when people need something, they'll come to you first.

So how do you decide what to sell?

If you go to eBay, you'll find a page called the Seller Central, and there's a link there called "what's hot" look through that and you'll get a real feel for what people want right now. If you're able to sell any of that stuff, that's gold. So start there. If not, there's people wanting to buy stuff in pretty much every niche market, so you can just sell what you can sell, if that makes sense.

Before you start selling you should keep a few things in mind, you know, eBay won't allow you to sell just anything.

You are NOT allowed to sell things like:

*Illegal items or things that encourage illegal activity.
*Items that are ethnically or racially inappropriate.
*Listings that do not offer an item or service for sale.
*Services that are illegal or sexual in nature.
*Listings that promote giveaways, raffles, random drawings or prizes.

eBay also has very specific requirements when it comes to listing reproductions or perishable items, so you better avoid those or be extremely careful.

If eBay sounds like a lot of work... You should know that I don't even have an eBay store up anymore, because I found that another much simpler business model that is much more profitable. No selling is involved so you're not dependant on people in the same way and you don't have to worry about traffic or any of that.