Friday, November 4, 2011

lego star wars the complete saga cheat codes for wii

Its not often that two of your favorite things from your youth combine together - in this case great child hood memories of playing with Lego and movie memories of the Star Wars Saga. Lego Stars Wars is a great game for the family to play with the right amount of 'slaughter' of enemies combined with puzzles. If you get too stuck on a level there are a number of walkthrough's available online.
Lucas Arts and Traveller's Tales created the perfect combination of nostalgia and geekery with the 2005 release of Lego Star Wars. This innovative, cartoony, action adventure game that took advantage of a multi-generational love for both the Star Wars film franchise and every kid's favourite toy, Lego bricks. In 2006 the game's sequel was more refined, largely because it was based on the much loved original trilogy rather than the prequels which some what disappointed the Star Wars fan base.