Saturday, January 23, 2010

Talk at NLB: Financial Planning in Time of Crisis

The talk at Yishun Library was successful. More than 60 people turned up. Due to the limited capacity, I had to carry out two sessions at 3 pm and 4.30 pm. The second session was for those that turned up late and could not be accommodated. Apologies for the inconvenience.

The talk was stimulating and enjoyable. The participants asked a lot of questions, relating to the topics and outside the topics.

FISCA (Financial Services Consumer Association) will be organising more talks in collaboration with National Library Board, to be held in the Head Office in Bras Basah Road  and in other community libraries.

Many participants expressed interest in attending a 12 hour course on financial planning (covering 8 topics in more detail). More details will be released later.

Successful start to Pro-Investor

Nearly 40 participants have registered to play Pro-Investor during the past 2 days. One participant log in 7 times and played around 30 games. Another participant achieved Level 9 - which is the top level.

I have created a new entry under Guide to share my personal experience about playing this simulation game on stock selection. I have given some tips on how you can find a technique that can reduce your learning curve. You can experiment with variations of this technique to get better results.

Picking the right stocks in the real world environment is a matter of experience and learning. There is no single magic formula that you can use, as the environment keeps changing. What you can learn is the secret of watching the right trends and making the right choices - and hope to be right 60% of the time or better. Pro-Investor aims to give you this chance to learn through experience, and to acquire a lifetime of experience within a few days.  I hope that you enjoy this learning experience.

Tan Kin Lian