Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Case study - learning from a talk

This consumer learned how to compute the distribution cost and the effect of deduction from a talk conducted under FISCA. He was shocked to learn that his friend had sold him several policies that gave a poor deal to him.

Contests in the general election

The National Solidarity Party and the Reform Party have announced their intention to contest in the general election, including the constituencies that they will be fielding their candidates.

Reform Party

National Solidary Party

Rechargeable torchlight with locator lamp

The rechargeable torchlight has been designed to have a locator lamp that lights up at night and uses low energy. It is easy to look for the torchlight at night. It uses rechargeable battery, to reduce the cost of battery. This is now available at a special discount (for a  bundle of 4 torchlights) in i-shop.

Compensation for injury

How much should a consumer claim for compensation for a fall caused by unsafe conditions in a supermarket premise? How should the consumer make the claim? Is it necessary to use a lawyer? This FAQ set down some of the principles that are used to determine the compensation.

Shuttle service to Integrated Resorts

What does the public think about the decision by the Casino Regulatory Authority to stop the shuttle service from the HDB heartlands to the resorts? 99 people responded to the survey. The results are available at the Singapore General Election Portal,

The Fear from Public Speaking-Do You Suffer A Fear of Public Speaking? | Presentation Skills Course

Why You Have A Fear of Public Speaking

Before we talk about fear from public speaking, let’s talk about what public speaking is.  Public speaking in everyday life, especially at work, is any time that you have to make a verbal or written statement to a group.  This can be an idea that you present at a meeting, a memo that goes out to employees, or even an informal get-together in the lunch room.  If you are afraid to speak out in these situations, then you have a fear of public speaking.

Workfare Income Supplement

Dear Mr. Tan
Can you tell me about the Workfare Income Supplement? How much can I get and what is the criteria?

You can find the information in this FAQ. It is applicable to an employee who earn less than $1,700 a month and live in a property with an annual value less than $11,000. The amount of the supplement  is calculated on a complicated formula and is subject to a maximum of $1,050 for a person age 35 to a maximum of $2,800 for person at age 60. This is the maximum, so that actual amount paid to you may be much lower. Self-employed people at low incomes are also eligible for the supplement.

Like many schemes in Singapore, you have to read a complicated table and apply many criteria to arrive at an amount - that is really quite small.

Tan Kin Lian