Sunday, December 12, 2010

Child Joint Custody-Joint Custody of Children

For many parents it may be their first encounter with the law and the legal process.This can be a traumatic and stressful time and child custody questions abound-questions surrounding such issues as child custody forms, different types of child custody, child support calculator, child custody laws, joint custody laws,child support attorneys, child custody help for fathers,child custody laws,  child custody cases tips, child custody laws in the United States, child custody mediation, child custody attorneys, child support attorneys and many other common issues and  problems.

Just remember that your problems are probably not unique and many other parents have trod the path that you are on now.Hopefully the information you find on this site about the many child custody questions that commonly come up will help you in your legal proceedings.

We would strongly recommend that you browse the site and find the relevant information that is bothering you right now..but we would also strongly recommend that you seek the advice of a legal professional such as a child custody attorney to help you on your way.

Child Support

Child support is a huge issue for parents involved in a child custody dispute.

So you will find information about how to calculate child support and the slight differences in approach to child support in different states.

Good site all about child custody and child support when relationships break down and there are children involved.

Invitation from the author of "Wisdom on how to live life"

My dear fellow human beings

How are you today?

Do you find that life is full of uncertainties? Do you wish that your life is full of peace? If this is your wish, I invite you to read the series of books that I’ve written. The title is “Wisdom on How to Live Life”. In this series of books, it offers many concepts that can help you live a peaceful life. Some of the concepts are new. They cannot be found anywhere else. Some of the concepts are conventional wisdom. They have been presented with new insights. While many happenings in our outer world are beyond our control, happenings in our inner world are entirely within our control. It’s up to each of us to adopt concepts so that irrespective of external happenings, we can live in peace. This series of books offers many such concepts – concepts that can transform your life. You can find more information about the books on this website:

May peace be with you!

Your fellow human being,

The books can be ordered here.

Sudoku (Logic9)

Sudoku fans can try this online game. You can change the symbols from number to flowers and test your skill in artistic recognition.

Case study - financial planning for the young

This case study is suitable for most young people to plan for their future. It shows the importance of having a financial plan that is flexible and gives an attractive yield for the future.
Ask Mr. Tan

Benchmark for deduction under a life policy

I used a benchmark of 20% after 25 years to determine if a life insurance policy offers a fair yield to the consumer. This FAQ explains how I obtain this benchmark.

Reforms in Malaysia

Carolyn Hong, Malaysia Bureau Chief of the Straits Times reported the likelihood of snap polls in Malaysia. She said that Malaysia had made progress on several reforms that were introduced after Prime Minister Najib Razak took office. Among the changes were measures to combat crime, reduce government red tape, reduced taxes to attract investors, and political reforms.

When I was in Kuala Lumpur, I also saw a report from a local NGO about the improvement in transparency and  combat corruption. Malaysia is making good progress, which will be good for Singapore as well.

WikiLeaks and George Yeo

Foreign Minister George Yeo said that the WikiLeaks reports on the views expressed by Singapore senior diplomats are taken out of context. They are confidential talk and should not be reported. They are also the impressions of the American diplomats to the remarks made at the cocktails and do not accurately reflect the views of the Singapore diplomats.

I agree with the foreign minster's views and his approach in addressing this matter. I hope that his remarks will be covered in the Australian paper that leaked the reports.

Tan Kin Lian

Make your own decisions

Some consumers sent their benefit illustration to me, asking me if they should buy the policy or if they should continue the policy that they have taken up before. It is better for them to find out the relevant facts and make their own decisions. They can read my book on financial planning, attend the educational talk or read the FAQs in my website. They can decide what is best for themselves.

Legal Document Software

Legal document software provides law firms and businesses with ready to go legal documents and on many occasions it will be necessary to run your documents past a legal advisor to ensure that you are not leaving any hostages to fortune from a legal perspective.

But many law firms and businesses can benefit greatly from the prudent use of legal document software to reduce their costs and increase efficiency in either a legal or business environment.

Legal Forms Software

Legal forms software is freely available on the internet for both legal professionals and the ordinary person.Some of this software allows you to make your own will, for example, when you download legal will software and other legal forms software allows you to draft agreements, contracts, child custody agreements, demand letters for debt collection, letters threatening legal proceedings etc. Unfortunately legal forms software can be a liability in the wrong hands and unless you are a legal professional, you should run any legal forms that you might create with such software past your legal advisor or attorney.

Law Office Software

There are many types of legal office software available on the market and our intention is to build our resource to the point where all leading law office software suppliers are represented on these pages with our unbiased, objective opinion of their various software offerings for the modern legal practice.

It is our goal to review the best selling law office management software packages as the efficient and cost effective management of a modern legal practice, whether a sole practitioner, mid size legal firm or a large law firm needs all the help that modern technology can bring.

Law Office Billing Software

Law office time and billing software is essential to ensure that all the resources in your law firm, both human and technology resources, are working towards a common goal of the most efficient use of time and money spent with a commensurate and timely return from clients.

Law Firm Software

There are many software packages available on the market to make life easier and more productive and profitable for the busy legal practitioner and such products include family law software, immigration law software, bankruptcy law software and many other packages, all of which we intend looking at in greater detail-law firm software.

Sydney Morning Herald - Big fat red faces

I wonder why the Sydney Morning Herald wishes to put Singapore in a negative light?

Is it due to the attempt by SGX to take over the ASX - Australian Stock Exchange?

Tranparency International's survey on corruption

There are some negative findings in this survey that is worrying for Singapore:

I don't thnk that our media is corrupt but they are likely to be influenced by their advertising revenue and may not be willing to speak openly against business interest or government stands. Their role becomes less effective due to these constraints.

My view is that the ethics and honesty has deteriorated in recent years due to the focus on maximising profits. The government leaders failed to uphold a high standard, preferring to leave matters "to the market" and this has led to more dishonesty, cheating and over-charging.

Tan Kin Lian

When I was in Kuala Lumpur, there was a report in the Straits Times quoting the president of a local NGO stating that Malaysia had made a signficant improvement in its transparency score over the past year, since the new Prime Minister took over, The effort against corruption is quite effective, as perceived by the general public.

Low ranking under UN human development index

Singapore has a low ranking of 27 among the developed nations in this UN human development index. In spite of a high per capita income and the hard work put in by Singaporeans, who have to work long hours at the expense of raising a family, the ranking is quite low. Something is wrong with our priorities and our system. I think that the focus on elitism and the low priority given to justice and fairness is bad for Singapore.

Tan Kin Lian