Sunday, December 12, 2010

Invitation from the author of "Wisdom on how to live life"

My dear fellow human beings

How are you today?

Do you find that life is full of uncertainties? Do you wish that your life is full of peace? If this is your wish, I invite you to read the series of books that I’ve written. The title is “Wisdom on How to Live Life”. In this series of books, it offers many concepts that can help you live a peaceful life. Some of the concepts are new. They cannot be found anywhere else. Some of the concepts are conventional wisdom. They have been presented with new insights. While many happenings in our outer world are beyond our control, happenings in our inner world are entirely within our control. It’s up to each of us to adopt concepts so that irrespective of external happenings, we can live in peace. This series of books offers many such concepts – concepts that can transform your life. You can find more information about the books on this website:

May peace be with you!

Your fellow human being,

The books can be ordered here.