Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Source: Wikipedia

In British English, a tout is any person who solicits business or employment in an importune manner (generally equivalent to a solicitor in American English).

A ticket tout is someone who engages in ticket resale for more than the face value of the ticket. In recent years some British ticket touts have moved into Internet ticket fraud.

According to the American Bar Association, touting is where a person advertises, promotes, or otherwise describes a security for sale without disclosing that the person is being paid to do so.

An example would be a person who frequents heavily touristed areas and presents himself as a tour guide (particularly towards those who do not speak the local language), but operates in on behalf of local bars, restaurant or hotels, being paid to direct tourists towards certain establishments.

In a similar fashion a tout could be someone who, acting upon his own initiative, loads or unloads the baggage from a bus, then demands payment for his services from the passengers.

In gambling parlance, a tout is a person who sells sports betting information to bettors.