Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Twisting of ILP to Revosave

Dear Mr Tan,

I sign on a ILP in 2005. I paid $100 every month through Giro. The agent told me I can only withdraw after six years. So far I had invested $36,000 but the return is $27000.

Today another agent explained to me that this ILP will not make any gain for the next three years. Since I have a living policy which muture at 65, he reconmented a RevoSave Policy, which can earn bonus and insure for permenent disablity and death.

I am 58 year old and want to save for my retirement. I found that I rather pay the similar amount to the RevoSave. He told me I can withraw the ILP anytime, it is true? Shall I terminate the ILP and take the RevoSave?

The Revosave is not suitable to save for retirement, especially for someone at your age. It gives a poor return. You should continue with your existing ILP.

The new agent is trying to "twist" your policy, but getting you to terminate an existing policy and take up a new policy (i.e. Revosave) so that he can earn a high commission on the new policy. You should ask the agent to explain how much commission he can earn from the new policy.

Here is an explanation about twisting:

You should lodge a compliant with the insurance company or Monetary Authority of Singapore about the unethical advice given by the agent.