Thursday, October 2, 2008

Meet your Members of Parliament

I am compiling a list of investors (who signed the Petition) according to their residential postal code. This allows them to contact other investors in the same constituency and meet the members of Parliament.

Call for volunteers: If you are willing to call other investors to meet the MP, please send an email to me at giving your name, mobile phone, and postal code now.

It is better for the investors to meet the MP during the weekly "Meet the People" session and tell your MP how you were misled into investing in the high risk structured products.

If the MP meets several of the investors personally, they will better appreciate the problem. They may ask MAS to be pro-active in helping the investors to deal with the financial institution that sold the structured products.

You can find out your Member of Parliament and the venue, day and time of the "Meet the People" session from this website: