Someone asked for my views on how to invest money at this time. It is a difficult question.
I think that it is better to keep cash, i.e. put in a bank to earn 0.5% per annum. This may be a poor return, and does not cover inflation, but it is safer. I do not like the stock market as it has been inflated due to cheap money from the government stimulus packages around the world.
The underlying problems of the global economy has not been solved, as there is still high unemployment and lower consumer demand. People will be unwilling to spend, if they are not sure about the security of their jobs and incomes. When people spend less, more people will become unemployed. This leads to a depression.
While the global economy remains gloomy, and the underlying problems are not solved, it is better to keep cash. Some people rushed into gold and commodities, but their prices may be too high now.
I would be more confident when the governments around the world start to adopt Keynesian principles, i.e inflate the global economy by creating more jobs funded by the state. This will cause inflation a few years later, but will have the impact of reviving the global economy. At that time, I will start to invest in the stock markets. If the bond markets gives a higher yield (better than inflation), I may invest in bonds also.
Tan Kin Lian
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