Friday, April 2, 2010

Platform fee on Fundsupermart

Hi Mr Tan,
I am unsure if you are aware that the famous online Unit Trust distributor Fundsupermart is imposing a platform fee in a month's time.

Many retail investors are very unhappy about this new fee to be implemented in such a short notice. In addition, we always try to keep our cost down but FSM, due to various reasons, go in different direction as its clients.

I have not receive any email or letter regarding this change in fee structure until a forumer alerted the rest.


Please ask Fundsupermart to show you where, in the contract, they have the legal right to impose such a fee. If you withdraw from this platform, are you able to keep your record directly with the unit trust or move the units to another platform? You can also ask the unit trust that you invested in.

Fundsupermart plans to levy a quarterly fee of 0.125% (0.5% p.a.) plus GST for equity funds. A lower charge applies for investments above $500,000. This is rather high, as the investor has to bear a management fee to the asset manager as well.

An investor told me that she plans to transfer her funds to Dollar Dex. There is no transfer charge. Dollar Dex indicated in their website that they do not plan to implement a platform fee. She said another option is to tranfer to POEMS.